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Baltimore rapper DDm Debuts That’s My Dog to showcase BIPOC Pet Ownership
New Music Video highlights the importance of pets in people’s lives
(Baltimore, MD. December 27, 2021) — Companions and Animals for Reform and Equity (CARE), a Baltimore-based nonprofit is pleased to announce the debut of “That’s My Dog,” a music video that aims to showcase the love people of color have for their pets.
CARE’s founder and CEO, James Evans got the idea to produce the video as a way to combat racism and bias that is often found in the animal welfare industry. It’s no secret people of color often face discrimination when it comes to adopting pets. In addition, people of color are assumed to be poor pet owners and even worse, seen as animal abusers.
Evans recently met fellow Baltimore native DDm, a rapper/local artist who is also an animal lover. The two decided a video was needed to fight racial stereotypes, and DDm wrote the song to represent the key messages. John Benam, another Baltimore resident, joined the team shortly after as the Director of Photography and That’s My Dog became a reality
DDm is a rising superstar on the hip-hop scene and was just featured on Netflix’s Dark City Beneath the Beat. He also is featured in F^¢k ‘Em R!ght B@¢k, which is now headed to the Sundance Film Festival. “As a pet lover, the song came naturally to me. It was a lot of fun to write. Everyone was so warm and welcoming throughout the entire process. It felt like being at summer camp the entire time we were shooting,” said DDm after it was all done. Benam is a two-time Emmy award winner and has directed projects like The Keepers on Netflix and Assassins on Starz.
In releasing the video now, CARE is hoping not only to encourage people to adopt a dog from a rescue or shelter but also to get animal welfare organizations to share this video to reach different pet-loving audiences and change stereotypes.
Evans started CARE in 2020, just before COVID-19 started, to diversify the mostly white animal welfare industry. CARE’s unique mission prioritizes and amplifies BIPOC voices using narratives, research, and community-centered investments in the human and animal bond.
The production crew for That’s My Dog was mostly BIPOC; From the makeup artist to the extras, CARE intentionally prioritized hiring and paying people of color.
You can see the video here:
Companions and Animals for Reform and Equity is a 501©3 nonprofit that addresses organizational and personal biases within animal welfare. The mission is to bring diverse voices to the industry while also advocating for a more inclusive path to pet adoption. CARE believes in using evidence-based tools, narratives, and insights to inspire organizations to be more inclusive and less biased. It is all an effort to save more companion animal lives.