SECTION 1: Welcome
Section 2: The Current State
Section 10: Final quiz
Section 11: Reflections/VetREDI Survey and Next Steps

Welcome to VetREDI

Vet Redi

The goal of this training is to increase awareness of how intertwined racial equity, diversity, and inclusion are to our success as a veterinary and animal welfare field. Together, we can increase access to care, embody the spectrum of care, build a more resilient profession, and most importantly, positively impact human and animal welfare. This is truly well-being. We also believe that through building more diverse relationships, we can create a pathway to greater satisfaction and work-life balance for professionals in our field. 

With a growing racial and ethnic mosaic world, this material applies anywhere; however, the statistics and terminology are geared towards the United States. Additionally, we acknowledge there is no possible way to dive deeply into these areas in this course alone. This is intended to be foundational, building a basis for expanding your awareness and growth of understanding. We all will continue to grow and foster further study and discovery beyond this course.

This journey does require us to take a look inward and backwards to acknowledge how we got here. Only then, can we look forward together. It will likely be uncomfortable and that is okay. Thank you for being here.

“Be not afraid of discomfort. If you can’t put yourself in a situation where you
are uncomfortable, then you will never grow. You will never change.
You’ll never learn.”– Jason Reynolds