SECTION 1: Welcome
Section 2: The Current State
Section 10: Final quiz
Section 11: Reflections/VetREDI Survey and Next Steps

Social Justice and Social Responsibility

Social justice is distinct from social responsibility. Both involve action, but only social justice can create sustainable change. In this video, James Evans explains why. 

Awanookwe Kingbird-Bratvold illustrates how social responsibility can also result in gatekeeping which disempowers the community.

Social justice necessarily involves a redistribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. Social justice addresses racial inequities and seeks to undo their harm. The following graphic gives a specific example.

Racial Equity

Notice the word “equity” in the graphic above. What is the difference between the words equity and equality? Why does the bridge symbolize equity and not equality? 

  • Below is a definition of equality and an illustration of the concept. Take a moment to check your thinking: consider how the illustration on the right demonstrates the meaning of equity.