SECTION 1: Welcome
Section 2: The Current State
Section 10: Final quiz
Section 11: Reflections/VetREDI Survey and Next Steps


So far in this course you’ve taken in a lot of information and heard about the lived experiences of people from marginalized communities and in our veterinary profession. You’ve learned about the harm of microaggressions and biases, distinguished between social responsibility and social justice, and begun to study the culture of your veterinary teams and the importance of cultural competency. You’ve learned how the well-being of both people and animals is improved by recognizing and addressing these inequities through an exchange of power, conscientious thought, and conscious action. 

Earlier in the course James Evans told us one way to mitigate implicit bias is to slow down. Take a breath and let yourself reflect before acting. This lesson is a chance for you to pause and think about what you’ve learned and where you want to go. 

Your experience is important to us! While you can reach out to our learning team with input, feedback, and questions at any time, please consider sharing what you’ve learned and how your own thinking has expanded. The information gathered will also help CARE to curate an effective curriculum. The survey is completely anonymous; no identifying information will be collected. 

Thank you for starting your journey with us!

VetREDI Feedback Survey