SECTION 1: Welcome
Section 2: The Current State
Section 10: Final quiz
Section 11: Reflections/VetREDI Survey and Next Steps

Change Activity

How can we know without asking? This activity can be done as a large group or by an individual. By encouraging open-ended questions, we can learn more about the client. These questions build trust and encourage a mutual relationship. And, no, it isn’t necessarily associated with more time, especially not in the long game. 

Remember-If you can answer in yes or no, it’s a closed-ended question.

Activity: practice changing from closed to open, and then ask someone to hold you accountable for your unconscious use of closed-ended questions:

  • Can you do this treatment plan? → What are your thoughts on this treatment plan?
  • Any concerns today? → What concerns do you have?
  • Do you have any questions? → What questions do you have?
  • Does this help? → How can we help?